We currently have a training program in Python, which is very beneficial for me as I'm new to the language. Since I'm creating a web application using Python and Django, this training helps me improve my skills and deepen my understanding of both technologies.
Entry-Level, San Juan City - 14 Aug 2024
Since it’s short staffed I learned how to adapt working and moving around pretty quickly at my workplace. Skills and techniques I’ve learned include how to avoid/handle toxic situations before, during and even after the surgery
Graduate, San Juan City - 14 Aug 2024
I’m very satisfied with both the formal and informal training at Belo Medical Group. The formal training is thorough and well-structured, ensuring that new hires are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills. The informal training is equally valuable, as it includes on-the-job learning, mentorship, and support from colleagues. This combination helps to integrate new team members smoothly and fosters ongoing professional development.
Through these training programs, I’ve picked up several valuable skills, including advanced project management, effective communication strategies, and enhanced marketing techniques. I’ve also improved my ability to adapt to a fast-paced environment and develop creative solutions for marketing challenges.
Graduate, San Juan City - 14 Aug 2024
At Belo Medical Group, the training and development programs are comprehensive and designed to support both professional and personal growth. the onboarding process includes an immersive introduction to the company's culture, core values and operational procedures. These experiences contributed significantly contributed to my growth and effectiveness in my role.
Graduate, San Juan City - 13 Aug 2024
In the first week of my job, we had a program called New Employee Orientation Program. This is a great aid in helping me understand the company's beliefs, values and structure. Additionally, they provide a ton of training to advance your skills.
Graduate, San Juan City - 12 Aug 2024
The company continuously creates seminars and give training programs for their employees.
Graduate, San Juan City - 12 Aug 2024