Updating Results

Federal Land

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Working Hours at Federal Land

7.0 rating for Working Hours, based on 5 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
We have to spend 10 hours at the office and even though there are things we can truly do at home, we're not usually permitted to do so. Also, there's been problems with the Wi-Fi, so there are a lot of us that struggle with the internet. I tend to do overtime since I live near the office, but filing paid overtime is not usually allowed because they say it's my choice to stay anyway. On our birthdays, we're expected to go to work still because our chairman does so too.
Graduate, Makati City, National Capital Region, Philippines - 25 Jul 2024
Its fair and reasonable.
Graduate, Makati, Philippines - 25 Jul 2024
We are doing compressed work hours. It is not so okay with me, but I am used to it.
Associate, Makati, Philippines - 25 Jul 2024