This is the fastest way of being noticed before the interview. Let your CV and resume speak for your impeccable communication skills. Once you’re shortlisted, give your best not only by speaking in English fluently (depending on the employer of course), but communicating with substance. Having good communication skills is an important advantage because you can express your thoughts and ideas professionally.
Technical skills can be very basic (MS Office Tools), but they can also include specific tools or programming languages. You can get started by looking for internships, trainings, and certifications to join in to bolster your technical skills.
Part of your job description could be working on a task with minimal supervision. You should expect that your immediate supervisor will not be beside you at all times because most managers don’t have the luxury to always check your work. Same as the time you were working on your thesis while having limited time consulting with your adviser.
Making it in the corporate world warrants a certain level of collaboration with your teammates and colleagues with different backgrounds and expertise. Being a team player is a good asset and brings harmony to the workplace.
Are you a campus leader or a class officer? This is a huge advantage for you. This means that you probably have a knack for making big decisions. Employers look for fresh grads with the potential of becoming great leaders–one they can train and mentor to succeed in the future. Make sure you include those leadership experiences on your resume!
There will always be problems in the workplace, work-related or otherwise. Having these problem-solving skills increases your perseverance to continue reaching your goal regardless of how bad the situation is. Remember, good managers, look for people who solve problems, not scapegoats to blame. Employers look for this skill through situational interviews or written examinations.
Come to the interview 15 minutes earlier and you’ll get set a good impression. This demonstrates your time management skills! It also reflects how you prioritize tasks and accomplish them on time, just like meeting your deadline on a school project!
Flaunt your creativity by using innovative ways in characterizing yourself. It could emanate from how you presented your resume, especially if you’re applying for creative communication-related jobs.
You can also showcase this skill through your portfolio (Don’t forget to bring it!). Make sure to research about the company’s social media accounts, websites, news and reviews. This will give you more sensible and creative answers during the interview.
These are not actual skills but still important traits a person should possess. Your values should be aligned with the company’s core values, mission, and vision.
The more skills you can develop while you’re still in college, the more opportunities you’ll have in getting hired for a full-time position after graduation. Keep in mind that all your college accomplishments in school activities – sports, academics, volunteers, jobs, internships, and clubs – can help you gain the skills you need for your first fresh graduate job.
That’s not to say that it’s too late if you’re graduating already. There are a lot of free courses online depending on your field. It’s all about setting your goals and working towards them!